When mentioning titles of books, periodicals, articles, literary and musical works, etc., use initial capitals except for the words the, and, a, an and prepositions making up the title that are not the first word. Names of books, newspapers, magazines, encyclopedias and journals are generally set in italic type when it is available. Subtitles do not take title case unless they appear that way on the published work. The first word is, however, generally capitalised, for books. For magazine articles where the colon functions as a pause (like an em dash), it is followed by lower case, but a capital if the colon denotes the break between title and subtitle, and the published subtitle starts with a capital.
The Founding of America (book) | |
Video Game Violence: A Parent’s Guide (book) | |
Super Powers: the ways of the hero (chapter) | |
‘Why Editing Is An Art’ (magazine article) | |
Journal of Creative Writing in Business (journal) | |
‘Simple Weightloss Solutions in a Restaurant’ (newspaper report) | |
‘To Be Or Not To Be: the indecision of characterisation’ (article) |
See Capitals for more.
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